Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1st Camping of the Summer

We ventured out on our first camping trip of the summer.  Headed west about 3 1/2 hours to Stone Mountain right outside of Atlanta.  We rode the sky lift to the top of the mountain, which by the way is a 10 mile deep piece of granite and is the largest one in the world.  Only about 1/4 of the mountain is exposed.  At the top there was a great view of Atlanta and the rest of the park.  Next we hopped aboard the train and went around the mountain.  We had a blast.

Aside from the park, we had a ball in the campground.  Took in a little bit of swimming, beach volleyball, and of course a great campfire.

Best of all Grammy from Michigan was able to making it down for the trip.  Such wonderful memories were made and a great time was had by all.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Lately Bryson’s world has revolved around ultimatums. “If you take your bath, you can play with Momma’s iPod.”…..”If you sit quietly, you can have a milkshake”, etc. And in some cases we have even had to revert to the negative ultimatum: “If you do not listen, you will not be able to ride your four-wheeler”. He is defiantly learning the power of negotiation.

Well…two nights ago the tables turned. All three of us were sitting on the couch watching Mickey Mouse’s Clubhouse and sharing a banana. Bryson would take a bite and then he would graciously share a bite with Daddy. After Daddy’s bite he turned to me. With my mouth wide open waiting for my yummy bite, Bryson looked at me, started to extend his banana my way and then suddenly stopped and said, “No bite for Momma…please have IPOD”.

WHAT??? Was this an ultimatum? After several more minutes of asking for a bite, he made it perfectly clear that those were the stipulations. Jason just about died laughing. On me…..talk about what goes around comes around.