Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mr. Smudge Squirm Wetzel

That is right folks! Our little Smudge is officially a BOY. We had an absolute ball watching him bounce back and forth across the ultrasound screen this past Tuesday. He was dancing and squirming around so much the doc had a hard time catching him to determine he was officially a Baby Boy Wetzel. Let me just tell ya, I’ve never seen Jason Wetzel so excited in my life. It was the best moment ever! Now Sky Girl, our lab, will have a baby brother and by the looks of things he may very well give her a run for her money. We can not wait!

Here is an ultrasound picture of Smudge’s profile and a little hand waving in our direction. We did not get to many other pictures that were clear due to all of his bouncing around. A boy after my own heart!!